Monday, February 2, 2015

Keep It Healthy Over Everything

I had recently spoke with one of  my best friends , and she had decided that she was going to start blogging. I mentioned to her that I had blog since 2011 and only had like five post. There was no need to explain why those post seemed to come sporadically but it did give me an idea to start writing again and posting my thoughts and sharing life lessons.  I believe that our ultimate gift in life is to share our highs and lows and hope that our story can make someone  laugh , give some one hope and more importantly put our flawed selves out there. Because one thing I can respect is that I am flawed and I am now learning to be okay with that.  With that being said you can expect a blog post from me twice a month.

  Any way lets  move to the real reason Why I am up at 8:34 am considering the fact that I am not  working now . For the past few weeks I have really been  adamant about dealing with the things that we keep hidden the things that have shaped and molded the way that we talk , think  and process information.  Honey I wish I could say that with age comes wisdom but for some it just does not happen that way . Wisdom comes when you make the chose to seek it out.The struggle of being misunderstood has been a blessing and a curse in my life. As a child I felt misunderstood , as a teenager I felt misunderstood and even as an adult that is still one of my struggles. Since I craved being understood it made me angry when someone would misinterpret what I said or took it out of context and instead of admitting that guess what ladies and gentleman I would get so pissed off and shut down. And most of the time it made me not want to talk to the other person again , or I would just cut them out of my life no explanation , no closure just give them the boot. Now when you are young that may seem like the right thing to do but as you get older and mature you just realize that you can not keep processing information or conflicts in that way.  Now some of those people probably needed to be escorted to the nearest exit of my life however shutting down and behaving like a 12 year old child is not the habit that a grown woman should have it just isn't cute or funny.

Instead what I have chosen to do now is learn to process my emotions differently , through being honest with myself first, others second , writing in my journal , and being comfortable with who I am.  Most of time its not the thought of being misunderstood that is the problem its fact that you may be struggling with something else. For me being misunderstood was the same as not being accepted for who I am. Now , lets be clear everyone will not like you , everyone will not understand you and that is fine but what is important is that you understand who you are , what you can give in any relationship, job, situation and learn to be okay with that.  Healing starts with you first when you can deal with your own hang ups other people mess  will not matter.

Search your journal ,search your heart ,search those difficult moments and uncover the unhealthy patterns that has kept you from living your best life . Until next time my loves ,keep it healthy over everything

Woman on the move

Monday, July 14, 2014


 One of the most amazing things in this world is the unlimited possibilities and opportunities  that we have. One of things that I have grown to accept about me is my ability to be transparent and honest. Sometimes we are taught to hide what we truly feel , we are taught to deny our emotions, hide behind social media personas and seek perfection. Can you imagine looking through a broken mirror all of your life only seeing yourself in fragmented pieces. The only image that you have is a broken one , you have made all of your decisions based on something broken. The biggest mistake you can ever make is assessing your life through a shattered glass, never seeing the true transformation. At this stage of my life I  purposely seek authenticity in all that I do , all that say and how I live. The most important relationship you will ever cultivate is the one with you. If we never seek to find out what we truly want then we will never learn to appreciate the process of growth. Life is full of valuable lessons some are orchestrated through divine connections, some lesson must be learned because we chose to ignore the signs, but nevertheless the beautiful thing about change is that  it is inevitable.

This post is simply an encouraging one. This post is for people who are  no longer  afraid to face their biggest fear, confront the truth and live in the now. We are not giving all of the answers to life toughest questions ,but we are given the most beautiful gift of time , time to make it right , time to accept who we are , time to  develop our God Given Gifts.  Slow down enjoy the journey ,smell the roses , love people while they are here on earth and most importantly don't give up on yourself. God is able to take anything of low value and make it beautiful. It does not matter where we come from ,what we have done , or how bad it hurts all you need is a little time. I love you all from the top of my heart!

Best ,
Girl On the Move

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Practice What You Preach

* Disclaimer These are my opinions.

           We are surrounded by so much negativity. We turn on our television and we are bombarded with  images of brokenness. We look down our  time lines on social media and all we see are videos from world star superstars tearing each other apart. We have people promoting love of oneself , uplifting women of all kind , promoting positive youth development and some are preaching a woman worth  yet we continue to glorify the same things that lead to low self worth , or terrible relationships. We now live in a world where a stripper is glorified for her hustle, or women who show their bodies are deemed worthy  by the masses. We have the men who talk about women who show everything calling them disrespectful yet if  you look at the popular page on  instagram the same women you degrade are the same women you acknowledge and glorify  . People have created business targeting women ,with their feel good words and telling us everything that we want to hear but their own actions are misleading. Good girls don't exist  and bad girls win at everything , women and men  who do not  practice what they preach  themselves are being ask to promote positive self worth , and respect when that is not  the life that they are living. People have confused telling the truth to judging someone. What use to be bad is now considered good. What happen to the days  where we practiced what we preach.

      At some point we have all falling prey to wondering is it something wrong with those who chose to educate the so call lost generations of teens , or those who not only work their corporate jobs ,but spend hours giving back to their  own communities. We have forgotten about those people who show up everyday without complaining.  They show up ready to work even if  they there are flipping burgers , or delivering mail. What happen to the days where we focused on treating others as we treat ourselves. You can't preach positive messages  and unity and slander someone names at the same time. What ever you endorse or what ever you stand for make sure you are living that life. As a teacher I cannot separate who I am from what I do . In the classroom I am modeling the type of behavior I want to see.  No matter what you plan to do in your life your  actions will always be on display. It does not matter what you say ,your action will always speak louder than your words. I don't promote judgment of any kind but I do promote true self- awareness. Self -awareness is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself as an individual separate from the environment  and other individuals. I have always been one of those people who lives by the morals and values that I display on the daily bases. There are times when life calls for a deeper reflections of who you really are and who you are trying to be. 

    So at the end of the day if you are going to write books that are meant to motivate and uplift a certain group of people or if you are going to promote empowering women and men either make sure you are truly living that type of life  or put out a disclaimer stating that this is only  for show. No one is perfect ,no one is without mistakes or fault ,but at the end of the day make sure you are aware of oneself. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011


One day I just woke up and realize that I am tired.. how many of us wake up  and forget what is our purpose in life , what are we sent here to do ,what matters , who matters and will we ever be happy at just being. I am not stating that I have the all the answers but I promise that there can't be a one shop remedy for a  a major situation like this. One day I just woke up and I asked myself what would happen if I was dealt a different hand in life, what if there was no adversity or no obstacles that I had to overcome ... what if everything that I believed to be true was no longer accurate. So here’s the deal and my problem all my life I have faced issues and problems or adversity that was place in my life and somehow with the strength of greater deity I, was able to make it through know my life is not different  than anyone else’s , I am pretty sure that anyone can attest to being molested , dealing with drug addicted parents ,children that didn't know any better , not smiling ,learning to be an adult before your time , trying to find my way through a tunnel with no light.

I know that someone out there has been where I have been probably not exactly my story but you know what pain looks like in a broken mirror. I have came to the conclusion that you can be so caught up in the idea of struggling and things never coming easy , that when you get to a certain place where there maybe less worrying , no tears been shed or no need to be afraid that you just might ruin it because you don’t know what  it feels like to enjoy life , because you are afraid that something will go wrong until one day you wake up and realize that everything you have been doing has been based on a series of life events that changed your life , and made you angry ,bitter and dark. Its true people are afraid of success but what do they know if you never try then you never fail. Well ladies and gents I am tired of living a life like that I don’t want it ,i don’t want to be sad and downtrodden by the world when life happens.

 Sometime things do fall apart so better things can happen. Sometimes we are shaken by a few of life curves ball so that we can put things in to perspective. So today was not a good day for me, I can’t remember when I have had a good day and that’s the problem I can’t remember .. Today I woke up and now it’s your turn. What’s been keeping you from being the best you ,What has stopped you from looking in the mirror ,What has caused you look down and more importantly what life events changed you for the worst , The bigger questions is What happen to you !